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Nourished Alive

Nutrition and Intuition

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Introducing the Nourished Alive Framework 

I’ve created an approach to bring Intuitive Nourishment, Intuitive Movement, and Intuitive Flow that brings together Nutrition and Lifestyle to help you reach your wellness Goals.
It’s called the Nourished Alive Framework.

Are You Trading Your Health for Wealth?

Does this sound familiar?

You've finally made it! Career, family and all. But it's not how you thought it would feel...

  • Your health is a priority, yet it comes last.

  • Your mind is racing, you lay awake at 2am.

  • You lack energy and you're irritable.


Deep down, intuitively you already KNOW that there's got to be a different way..... 


Hi, I'm Vesna 

Certified Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach

I'm a former pharma executive, serving busy professionals as personal wellness coach.


I’m committed to helping you prioritize your life - work balance and reclaim your greatest wealth, your HEALTH

I strongly believe that the body wants to heal.

Intuitively, body strives to be in a state of homeostasis.

Your body holds all the answers. 

Symptoms are your body's way of communicating, getting you to pay attention.


Stop ignoring the symptoms, saying it's 'fine', I'll start tomorrow. I spent over 20 years brining life saving medicine to patients in need, while climbing corporate ladder, and I paid the price. 

After spending 20 years brining life saving medicine to patients in need, climbing a corporate ladder, I realized I had paid the price. At the pinnacle of my career, I realized I had been trading my greatest wealth for all that success. I was trading my health for wealth. Intuitively, I knew there's gotta be a different way and so...
I waved goodbye to the corporate hustle and founded an intuitive health and nutrition coaching business. And that's how NourishedAlive LLC was born.

Nutrition and Intuition coming together, make HEALTH your greatest wealth.

I combine the latest wellness data with an intuitive approach to help busy professionals 10x health and create lasting healthy habits.
Elevate Your Performance and let Nourishment flow into YOUR LIFE with personalized Health and Nutrition Coaching tailored for busy  professionals.


So are you READY to prioritize your HEALTH?

Here's how it works....
Choose Your Wellness Journey

Personalized Health and Nutrition Coaching:

Designed for YOU
Your Body
Your Energy
Your Lifestyle
​Personalized Health and Nutrition Coaching 


Let Health and Nutrition be intuitive.


Stay Motivated and Feel Inspired to reach your Health Goals with Ongoing Support from YOUR personal health and nutrition coach. Feel Empowered to make Healthier choices and prioritize your HEALTH.


Reach your Health Goals and enjoy a life full of vitality! 


The secret to reaching your health goals and staying on track is - a personalized health and nutrition plan designed for YOU.


We start with 3 core steps....


1. Intuitive Nourishment,

2. Intuitive Movement, and

3. Intuitive Flow


​Unlock Your Vitality and Longevity right now!

Reclaim your HEALTH - Reclaim your greatest Wealth. 

Executive Wellness Coaching:
Attract Top Talent
Retain Top Talent - Invest in your greatest asset 
Executive Wellness Coaching 


Set yourself apart from the competition!


Attract top talent


Get and Give better work-life balance.


Retain Top Talent with Executive Wellness Coaching.


​​​​The secret to attracting top talent, and retaining top talent is - offering benefits that you and your team truly value. Health is the greatest wealth.  



Invest in your greatest asset, you and your executives.



Set yourself apart from the competition with Executive Wellness Coaching.

The Nourished Alive Framework is not just about physical's also


It's time to bring Nutrition and Intuition together.

Choose Your Path.


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