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STOP Working AGAINST Your Body
Discover Exactly What Your Body Needs
In The Next 30 Days To Balance Your Hormones,
Boost Your Mood and Ditch Fatigue for Good

Without diets, stressful workout plans, and by using the superpower your body already has
- your intuition.

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I remember when...

My hormonal symptoms kept getting worse, not better. Adult acne, painful periods, fatigue, weight gain, etc.


I kept looking outside, seeking expert advice and answers. Everyone kept saying, "that’s common for women your age!"


But I wasn’t willing to accept ‘common’, as normal.


Deep down, intuitively, I knew something was off.


I was ignoring my own body's wisdom, pushing myself with restrictive diets and demanding exercise, only to feel more disconnected, seeing ZERO results, and watching my health take a back seat over and over.


Have you been there before, too?

Imagine if….
You could become the CEO of your own health, with fasting as a catalyst

What if I could show you how to reclaim your health and tap into your own, unique healing power?

Imagine becoming the CEO of your own health, with fasting as a catalyst.

Imagine this...

All of that is possible with methods that help
you tap into your intuitive superpower, like

Intuitive Intermittent Fasting

You Know That You Were

Meant to Thrive,

not just survive 

There are too many shiny objects and health opinions out there that can feel overwhelming.

Perhaps you've stopped listening to your inner wisdom and find yourself in a vicious cycle

Maybe you even think...

"Is this the right plan for me?"


"Nothing has ever worked."

"What's the point, I've tried it all!"​​


Maybe you think, "This is just part of getting older..."

Image by Rayia Soderberg
I invite you to
Take a Deep Breath With Me ...

Envision This For Yourself...

✅ You feel strong and confident.


✅ You feel lighter

✅ You have an abundance of energy. 

✅ You are intuitively nourishing and moving your body.

✅ You're listening to your voice.

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A Woman's Intuition is Her Superpower

30-Day New You Program
🌟 10x Your Health and Happiness
Reconnect with Your Superpower


You'll receive the most comprehensive and personalized month-long coaching package that will leave you feeling alive:

1️⃣ Weekly 1:1 Coaching Sessions:

  • Reconnect with your intuition. 

  • Full Month of high-touch 1:1 intuitive coaching tailored to you.

  • Ditch the survival mode, Welcome in a Nourished life.

  • Start Designing a Life on Your Terms.

  • Each coaching session will leave you inspired and motivated to 10x your wellbeing and thrive. 

2️⃣ Bonus 90-Minute Intuitive Health Audit Session:

  • Begin your journey with an intuitive health assessment. 

  • Together, we'll design your plan, that feels nourishing, easy and supportive every step of the way.

3️⃣ Full Month of 1.1 personalized High Touch Coaching Support:

  • Enjoy having your own personal coach, whom you trust and who motivates and encourages you.

  • Remove confusion, and begin to embody a new Healthier you.

  • Experience Vitality through Intuitive Nourishment.  

  • As your personal coach, I will be by your side the entire way, sharing the most powerful and effective ways for you to reconnect with your super power, your intuition.

  • And, we'll celebrate your victories- that's the best part! 

4️⃣ Full Nourishment Recipe Guide - Know EXACTLY What To Eat:

  • Ditch the confusion and macro counting.

  • Eat to nourish.

  • Get personally curated recipes that support your Lifestyle!

This is your invitation to reconnect with a healthier, happier you!

🌈 Don't miss out on the chance to reconnect with your superpower  and start living a life on your terms with support from your personal coach for an entire month!

Enroll Today For Only


🔥 Secure Your Spot Now! 🔥

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Want To Go All In On Your Health?

Get 6-Months of Personalized 1:1 Private Health Coaching starting TODAY!

Take charge of your health and habits and finally, intuitively nourish your body, mind and soul.

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"I would highly recommend working with Vesna. She is so motivating, supportive, and non-judgmental. I always thought I lived/ate healthy, but after approaching my mid-40s, she helped me realize It may be beneficial to make some changes. She has helped with regulating my hormones (through seed-cycling), as well as encouraging I am eating enough vegetables during the day to truly nourish my body. I feel amazing and not as bloated all the time!

Little personal changes that I was able to ease into my day to day has helped me tremendously. I also ensure not to sit in my office all day (she checks in with me to ask!), adding fresh lemon to hot and cold water is one of my favorite suggestions - now I drink it all day - I can't get enough. I even drink that instead of coffee, which also helps me sleep better at night.


In the past week, my family has all been sick, and I was the only one that barely caught anything (I think because of Vesna's suggestions!) I have also lost a few pounds. Thank you Vesna!"

-  Susan Viola


"I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have experienced multiple personal coaching sessions with Vesna. Saying "yes" to myself and to this journey was one of the best decisions I’ve made!


Each session with Vesna has been a powerful catalyst for clarity, helping me uncover thoughts and feelings that had been simmering just beneath the surface. Vesna has this amazing ability to guide you out of your own headspace, where it’s easy to get stuck, and into a place of true understanding. She is kind, generous, and genuinely brilliant at what she does. Her warmth makes her approachable, and you can feel how deeply she cares for her clients. In our sessions, I found myself discovering things I had never admitted to myself, let alone to anyone else.


These realizations were game-changers for me! Vesna’s respectful and genuine approach created a safe space for me to explore my emotions and challenges. If you’re feeling stuck in your nutritional or emotional journey, I can’t recommend Vesna enough. You’ll be in amazing hands, and I promise you, it’s worth every moment!

-  Amisha

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"I can't be grateful enough for having met Vesna. She has people's best interest genuinely at heart. With kindness, compassion and knowledge, she helped me turn inwards and reconnect with my deeper self and intuition to live the life I want. Change came as a natural consequence. It doesn't matter where you start from, Vesna can help you get where you want to be."

- Veronica Bini

Here's How It Works...

Step #1.
Book Your
90-Minute Health Audit
(valued at $750)

Together, we will...

  • Review of your health history.

  • Define your 30-day Health Goal.

  • Create an intuitively nourishing plan that helps you reawaken your superpower, your intuition.

We will...

  • Review of your progress each week, and celebration of your wins.

  • Create a tailored plan that fits your nutritional needs and lifestyle, including intuitive intermittent fasting if you choose.

I'll support you at every step, providing powerful strategies to harness your intuition—your ultimate superpower.

Step #2.
Enjoy Four Personalized Coaching Calls
(valued at $2,000)

Step #3.
Access to A Full Month of Support

Experience an entire month of unwavering support. Revel in continuous guidance, motivation, and personalized assistance. You can text me, email me, ask me anything. As your dedicated personal coach, I will stand beside you, challenges, victories, all of it. It's a month-long journey with a companion committed to your success.


"It took me a while to respond when asked to provide a testimonial. The reason being that I couldn't quite find a way to articulate properly the level of impact that my coaching sessions have had.

I had the privilege of working with Vesna in a prior work setting and I know she brings an unparalleled work ethic, sharp mind, and enthusiasm. Her work now as a health coach raises things to the next level.

Helping women on this journey is her passion and it shows. Her knowledge, empathy, resources, and genuine passion for seeing others succeed will help you regardless of the specific domain of your health you want to better understand and address.

I highly recommend joining Nourished Alive!" 

-Paulina McAtee

I can show you how to 10x your health and wellbeing
in a way that’s intuitive and

Think of this as a 30-day Kick Start accelerator to your goals.
Most health programs take months or years to actually be effective, and even so, they miss the core component - woman's superpower!
In just 30 days, you can be living your best, healthiest and happiest life.

Hi, I'm Vesna,

Certified Intuitive Nutrition Health Coach 

If you’re like the high-performing individuals I work with, you understand that health isn't just important—it's essential. You know that to perform at your best, longevity and vitality aren’t luxuries; they’re necessities. You’re committed to living not just a long life, but a vibrant one.

Yet, here’s the problem: Too many successful women fall prey to the endless cycle of mainstream weight loss and fitness gimmicks.


The average American spends a staggering $6,000 a year on diets and fitness programs, only to see all progress vanish. It’s not just frustrating; it’s exhausting. And worst of all, these programs often overlook a woman’s greatest asset—her intuition.

What if there was a different way? A way that doesn’t just promise results but delivers a sustainable transformation by aligning with your body’s natural wisdom?


30 Day New You Program

This is not your typical health program. Over the next 30 days, we won’t just work on losing weight or improving your fitness. We’ll dive deep into nourishing your body, fine-tuning your habits, and actually enhancing the way you feel every single day. And we’ll do it all by harnessing your innate superpower—your intuition.

  • Who is Nourished Alive for?
    Nourished Alive is for highly motivated women who are ready to reclaim their health through nourishment not punishment and start living their best life now.
  • What problem does Nourished Alive solve?
    Unwanted weight gain, exhaustion, irritability, lack of motivation, digestive issues, irregular and heavy periods.
  • What results does Nourished Alive provide?
    Reclaim your health and wellbeing through nourishment, reach your ideal weight, regain energy and motivation.
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