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5 Steps to Reset Your Gut Health for Better Digestion and Well-Being

Do you struggle with bloating, digestive discomfort, or fear of eating certain foods because of how they make you feel?

If you're tired of feeling weighed down by your gut health, it's time to consider a GUT RESET.

My clients have found lasting relief by following my proven 5-step gut reset protocol and you can too. Here is how to get started.

5 steps to Reset Your Gut Health

Step 1: Remove

The first step is to remove the triggers that may be causing gut irritation and inflammation.

Common culprits include:

  • Gluten,

  • Dairy,

  • Soy,

  • Corn,

  • Refined sugars,

  • Alcohol and Caffeine.

Nonessential medications could also contribute to poor gut health, so it’s important to review your current medications with your healthcare provider and discuss alternative options.

Remember, this isn’t about overwhelming yourself by removing everything at once.

Start small—choose one culprit to eliminate, and notice how your body responds.

Attune to your body's cues. Digestive upset and other symptoms are your body's way of communicating, providing direct feedback, letting you know if something is working or not. Pay attention to your body's cues! This process will allow you to tune into how specific foods or substances are affecting your digestive system, helping you identify what might be causing the discomfort.

Step 2: Replace

Once you’ve identified and removed the most common culprit(s), it’s time to replace with gut-friendly nutrients and digestive support.

Start by introducing simple digestive practices such as chewing food thoroughly (aim for 30 chews per bite!) to stimulate digestive enzymes and optimize nutrient absorption.

You might also want to incorporate foods like digestive bitters, lemon water in the morning, or even cumin and fennel seeds (add whenever cooking beans or legumes) to aid digestion. These natural remedies can significantly reduce gas and bloating and improve nutrient absorption.

Step 3: Re-Inoculate

Next, you’ll want to re-inoculate your gut with healthy bacteria through the introduction of probiotics and prebiotics.

Probiotics and Prebiotics come from food sources like sauerkraut, miso, and pickles, or through high-quality supplements. Fermented foods are particularly effective at repopulating your gut with beneficial bacteria, improving your digestive health and boosting your immune system.

Note- when choosing supplements, research, discuss with your personal health coach and always consult with a healthcare professional to ensure you're selecting the highest quality and right options for you without unnecessary additives or toxic chemicals.

Step 4: Repair

Step 4 is Repair, where we focus on repairing your gut lining.

Foods rich in omega-3s, like flax seeds, and also, homemade vegetable broth, plus certain supplements like L-glutamine can help repair your gut lining.

This step is essential if you’ve been dealing with leaky gut or long-standing digestive issues.

Don't skip this step, work with your personal health coach to make it applicable to your nutritional and lifestyle preferences for optimal results.

Step 5:

Rebalance Finally, the rebalance step encourages a holistic approach to gut health.

Nourishing your gut isn’t just about what you eat—stress, sleep, and emotional health also play huge roles too.

Consider integrating practices like meditation, breathwork, and mindful eating to keep your digestive system balanced and your overall health in check.

Working with a personal health and nutrition coach to implement these 5 Steps to Reset Your Gut Health can be intuitive and easy. As a coach, this is exactly what I help my clients with, allowing them to feel healthier and not have to worry about bloating or gas, while traveling or attending a business meetings, or simply while they're in company of their loved ones.

Digestive upset is not to be ignored. Symptoms like gas and bloating are your body's way of communicating with you, letting you know things are off track and that 5 Step Gut Reseat may be in order now.

If you've been eating healthily, exercising, and doing all the things but not seeing results, it could be your gut. No amount of organic, clean, non GMO produce will fix gut health, if your gut isn't able to absorb these essential nutrients.

Ready to Reset Your Gut?

This five-step process is the next step to reclaiming your health, naturally improve your digestion, and feeling better from the inside out.

Take control of your gut health today by booking your 15min complimentary health coaching You deserve to feel your best, and a healthy gut is a key part of that!


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