This is one of those meals that nourishes your soul and body. Feel free to switch up ingredients based on what you have on hand, it's like a clean out your fridge type of a dish, so versatile and delicious that will leave you full and satisfied.
Prep Time 24hrs (for soaking beans overnight) + 15min for chopping up veggies
Cooking Time 60 minutes
Yields 8-10 Servings
1lb dried beans (pinto beans, or northern beans)
1-2 onions (diced)
4 cloves garlic, minced
3 large organic carrots (diced)
3 celery sticks (diced)
1 bell pepper (diced)
1 zucchini (diced)
1 yellow summer squash (diced)
1 medium size potato (diced)
2 tbsp of olive oil
2 dried bay leaves
1 tbsp smoked paprika
2 tbsp Vegeta (Bosnian spice, available in most grocery stores or online)
1 package of smoked tempeh (this gives it a smokey flavor, absolutely delicious)
4-6 cups of vegetable stock
pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper
smoked paprika
Soak beans over night in water, rinse before cooking
In a large Dutch oven add olive oil, and sauté onion, celery, carrots, garlic for 5min
Add smoked tempeh if using, sauté for additional 5min
Add the rest of vegetables and spices, sauté for another 5 min
Add vegetable stock, bay leaves and beans, cover and allow to simmer for an 1hr or longer until beans are soft.
Tip- Check a few times, make sure beans are cooked through and soft enough that you could mash them with a fork.
Taste and add more seasoning as desired, you can add fresh parsley or oregano too.
Serve with freshly baked bread and a simple green salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, red onion, lettuce mixed with olive oil and distilled vinegar, add salt and pepper for taste)
